Monday, April 24, 2023

Buggish: Citrix with Microsoft Authenticator Not Logging In (Kind Of) With Chrome

Using Google Chrome to log into my Citrix to access corporate resources. I have to access the Citrix login which triggers my Microsoft Authenticator. This is too short of a time if I do not unlock my phone first. For some reason, Citrix times out around 30 seconds. It takes my phone a few seconds to reach my Microsoft Authenticator, then a couple seconds to open, then accept the authentication. Then a couple more seconds for the pin request to come up. Then a few more seconds for the keyboard to come up. This is usually the limit of the Citrix time out. I always miss this if I have to unlock my phone first.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Buggish: MS VS does not display git branch names with slash properly (I was wrong-ish)

EDITED (2023-04-24): As I watched demos for other features, I noticed that people used the slash to organize their branches. So, it seems this was intentional. Below is the original post.

Original Post

Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 does not display git branch names with forward slash properly although it is allowed in git and GitHub. Does it do the same with backslash? I do not know and do not wish to test this.

Basically VS will display it with a folder name then a branch in the folder with a name with the rest of the branch name text. For example if the branch name is abc/def, then there will be a folder called abc and a branch in their named def. In GitHub, you will see branch abc/def. Thus this is a bug in Visual Studio.

You cannot delete the folder, but if you delete the branch ('def' from the example above), this will delete both the folder and the branch. Which makes this a visual bug only. Functionally, looks like everything else will work properly.

OR... maybe this is a feature where you can group branches but only in Visual Studio?