Saturday, September 9, 2023

WinMerge: Excluding files Appears to not exclude file but kind of is

When I use an exclamation in the filter like !*.txt to exclude txt files, it always seemed like it came up in the results. What I "failed" to realize was that txt files will still appear in the list while the compare is going on. Once the compare is completed, then it removes it from the results pane.

I have only used this in my work experience when comparing tens of thousands of files, so I never let the compare complete before fully "testing" the exclusion. I have to say this was quite confusing. I have only realized this weeks later when I actually left it running due to other distractions and realized no txt files were in the results.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Buggish: Microsoft Web Excel Copy/Paste

 I totally hate Microsoft's copy/paste feature on its Excel web application. It does not comply with the traditional copy/paste feature.

Certain actions like clicking into a cell will clear the clipboard. Worse yet, some actions appear random. For example, I want to move a part of a text from one cell to another. I double-click, select the text I want, cut, and I see the text disappear. I then double-click in the cell I want to paste, and nothing pastes. Try pasting elsewhere like notepad, nothing... zippo.... nada.... zilch. Undo, and try again... and still the same result.

Because I am insane, I try a third time... and behold... it now pastes. What gives?!

This is definitely not the first time. I believe I have an older post complaining about this copy/paste. It is annoying enough that I may keep posting about it.