Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Scammish: (Opinion) MtGA rigged... eventually leading to quitting the game

This may come from me being triggered but it won't change the fact that I am quitting this game. I just lost the last 6 games. Each game the opponents had exactly the mana they needed and the cards they needed to counter my deck.

Again, I played another multi-color deck with Jodah, the Unifier. Guess when it played each and everytime? On the fifth round. One of each color. I barely can get two different lands with a two color deck. I barely even get three lands by the third round. Yet, every multi color deck is able to not only get one of each color but 5 lands.

I played a black deck which always seem to be able to play a Sheoldred by round 4. Then always followed by a Phyrexian Obliterator. If not Sheoldred by round 4, then Obliterator by round 4. I have a black deck with 4 Sheoldred. I barely even get a Sheoldred in a game. So, not only that I have to face this card occasionally but  every mono-black deck.

Then you play a blue counter deck. Play a creature? Create counter. Early game? Counter unless you pay extra obviously no one has extra mana in early game. Play sorcery? Counter that. Play a mix? Exactly the counter they need for it.

Play a Djinn deck? Always by round 4. I have played it so many times that I can tell when I play against one. Basically, if it is not a pure counter deck, it's a Djinn deck.

Cannot leave out that MtGA also loves to play mono-red aggro deck against my own mono-red aggro deck. Yet each time, I either drought or flood.

Prior dry run included 3 games in a row with only 2 lands from a 21 land / 60 deck with at least 11+ draws. Then followed by 3 floods where I drop more than 50% lands in 15+ draws from the same 21 land / 60 decks. If random, this is the crappiest RNG engine. Ending with 3 lands after 17 draws....

That's it. I'm triggered. I'm done with this game. In my opinion, this is a scam. I was happy to pay to play, and I have but now sad that I did. I was happy to play Magic online. But this supposed "RNG" is too ridiculous. If this is a case of just being bad luck, then... well... still quitting.

Some posters say losers don't know how to build a deck and say others don't know what randomness is. I think they are paid "opinions". This sort of randomness is almost on the scale of Zynga's "randomness" which is designed only to feed on people's addictions which in my opinion is a scam. Which makes this scammish but nearly a scam.


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