Saturday, March 26, 2016

48 minute 4 miles

Excited that I was able to run a constant 5 mph pace for 4 miles, yesterday. I probably won't make the under 30 minutes for a 5k race in a couple weeks, but it will be close. I'm able to keep a 6 mph pace for 10 minutes.

I always forget if I run faster off the treadmill. Usually by my first race of the year, I start running outside so I don't have a way to track my speed. Then by winter, I eat all the food back and get out of shape again.

I typically just listen to my body so usually not that important, although I am looking into getting a fitbit. There's a 300 mile challenge that I have joined and need a fitness tracker to measure the distance. I will need to average 5 miles a day which I think is a worthy challenge as I do not reach 5 miles even with my 3 mile runs every other day.

The con to this is that it will take more time out of my person software development project.

I have also just started looking for workout videos online. I'm open for some recommendations.

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