Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Buggish: In Jira cloud, unable to create sub-stories

This may be more of a problem with our team inability to break problems down into smaller parts but that is out of my control and little that I can do about it. Because the story spans more than one sprint, the group has divided the story not into smaller stories but into roles. So one sprint will have the Refinement part of the story. Another sprint with Development part. Another sprint for the Test part.

This makes it troublesome in tracking what the Jira ID is for the story. Is it the refinement story, or the dev story, or is it test? Preferably, I want to use the Dev story because it contains the code that is referenced everywhere else. But it is neither the beginning nor the end.

Can I use the epic? Not really, because the epic contains other stories.

Can I use tasks? Possibly but it is not the same as a sub-task. Task is not considered a child of the story. It can be associated with a story but it can also be associated with other stories.

Can I use sub-tasks? Possibly, but we already use sub-tasks to break down the tasks for dev, testing, deployment, etc. And in Jira none of these can have additional sub-types. Also sub-tasks cannot be assigned a sprint. Because of this case, a task would make more sense.

More complications come up due to the integration with GitHub. Because the integration is dependent on the Jira ID used in the branch name, commit comments, and pull request, consistent use of the Jira ID is important. 

The more I think on it, the more I think the issue is more on the broken SDLC process.

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