Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Life: Yakult in a bottle? YES!!

Ever have those little Japanese yogurt dessert drink? They sometimes serve them frozen at some Korean restaurants (although I haven't seen any in the west coast). I have always been good and only at most one a day when I had a pack at home. "Had" not "bought" because I think they are way too expensive as I rather drink something else for the cost.

After I met my wife and her friends, they all would drink the entire pack in a single sitting. I would still just drink my one realizing I will never have a chance to drink a second one. I just cannot get myself to drink a second one.

Still in the back of my mind, I feel like it is such a waste of money. It would be like if I paid and drank 5 cans of soda when it would have been much cheaper if I just drank a 2-liter bottle. 

Then one day, my wife brings home a bottle! Now I feel much better even though I have absolutely no idea how much the bottle costs. I still do not drink much although it tastes exactly the same. Mostly due to trying to lose weight. If I were fit or skinny, I probably would drink the whole bottle in one sitting.

Whatever the case, I think this is an interest case on how my brain works. They also do the same for the individually packed seaweed packs and I have almost the exact sbrain-breakdown.

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