Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Buggish: MS Teams Unable to Login. We've run into an issue. Oops, something went wrong! (Part 2)

Seems like this issue only occurs in the morning.

Maybe waiting for something to load. If so, then it must be something that takes a long time to load as I am unable to log in for at least a couple hours.

Or maybe something to do with the system going into hibernation.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Buggish: MS Teams Unable to Login. We've run into an issue. Oops, something went wrong!

 I've been getting this error. Reboot and app restart does not fix the issue.

We've run into an issue

Oops, something went wrong 

Sometimes later in the day, it'll work. Sometimes, it does not. I just use the web version.

Why can't Microsoft figure out how to log into their own application on their own operating system?

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Work Life: When is it too many minor mistakes to be a major problem?

When is it too many minor mistakes to be a major problem?

It seems there is no amount of minor mistakes where management will be willing to fire someone. Even if the minor errors cause a major error. The only time I have witnessed someone who makes too many minor mistakes (in my opinion) is when they have to cut the entire department or I had a direct involvement with the type of person.

I have already mentioned two people I have been involved with.

So to game the system, it almost seems better to continually make minor mistakes. That way you can also have a defense when you create a major issue. Because there is so much accountability to go around for those who did not catch the minor errors that led to the major issue.

Have I just been working for weak management or leaders?