Monday, April 29, 2024

Buggish: Microsoft Office365 Excel (Web) Copy/Paste is so aggravating

I completely dislike how Microsoft implemented its copy/paste feature on the web. It completely ruins how copy/paste for EVERYTHING else even its own operating system. I just want to simply copy/paste a data from one cell to something else. Anything except a directly copy/paste from cell to cell is always questionable on why it works or doesn't work (even cell to cell is questionable in my mind but seems to at least work most of the time).

Why?!?! It is the most tested and used feature.

I just want to a text inside of one cell to a text inside another cell... same sheet, same row. Simple? Of course, Microsoft does not want it to be! Worst is to cut it because the original data is GONE so what am I supposed to go back to if the paste doesn't work? Obviously, I have to undo but that also messes with the clipboard. How stressful it is just to copy/paste!

What could possibly be wrong? I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOT IDEA! I just do it again and it will sometimes work and sometimes not. I just keep repeating until it works. No seeable changes to the steps. I even tested with other applications and they all copy/paste fine. So is it memory? Doesn't seem like it. I tried with the same browser and even the same tab. Is it the browser? Doesn't seem like it too. But for stupid's sake, I even rebooted and perform the same task first with no other applications open yet... and yet, not always!


While on this topic... why does inserting or delete a wrong clear my clipboard? Why does double-clicking into a cell SOMETIMES clear the clipboard? SOMETIMES? Why is it even SOMETIMES? I rather have the row insert where it is always cleared.

Oh is it just a temporary clipboard for web Excel? Nope, even if you do not copy/paste or copy from Excel (ie you had copied something from another browser, app, or even the app version of Excel)... it is completely gone.

Also, sometimes it'll appear to copy (where the border changes when you normally copy) then when you paste, it says the data is not available. Why does that happy? No clue. How to workaround? Repeat until it works. Sometimes it takes 10s of times until it works. I can even copy/paste in the middle with other apps and it will work perfectly fine. I can copy another row to change the border cell, go back to copy, and it still won't work. I can wait minutes, hours... and it will won't paste even though the message says to give it time. Perhaps Microsoft is a black hole and time works differently there because copy/paste works perfectly fine before, during, and after this issue. Seems to ONLY be the web version of Excel. It is also funny that there are more issues with pasting from web version to app version of Excel than everything else combined.

I think this is very border-line "Not recommending to others" deal-breaker. Especially if you have the manual task of copy/pasting menial tasks.

Even worse... I've been having this issue for over a year now. I even posted this here, Buggish: Microsoft Web Excel Copy/Paste (

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

WORK LIFE: Do or do not keep meetings short?

I just read this blog:

I actually put on my resume and accomplishments that I have shortened meetings from 2 hours to 30 minutes, so I thought this read was interesting and I do agree on a lot of the points it made.

I do a lot of small banter, small talk, and weather. I agree that it is important to connect to people.

The post also mentions to avoid saying that I am busy because it makes it seem my time is more valuable than others. I also agree with this. In my meeting, I say that I want to keep it short to save everyone else's time.

I think this post does a good job of too much trimming to short meetings. I do believe a lot of meetings ARE too long but for reasons not listed on the post (which makes sense as it is not the point of the article).

For me, it is important to keep topics that seem to only address less than 10% of the attendance to a separate call. I do give them a minute or two because it usually takes me a couple minutes to know if the conversation is going off tangent. I do my best to interrupt and side-bar the conversation. (I do not understand why people still do not understand this concept after working with them for 4 years now but that is outside my control so I do my best to change course.)

Sometimes the small talk goes a little too long. I found the most affective way is to just continue the meeting topic. If I add something to the banter, this may trigger someone to rebut or one-up or just wanting to put in the final word. After 10 years, no one has complained about this method and I haven't noticed anyone take offense to it. Most people have complimented me on my meeting management and I also get the highest attendance rate in all companies I have worked for. That is including upper management who I rarely see in other calls.

I also make sure that the majority of my attendance are impacted by the majority of the meeting agenda. I do not like having full teams on my calls for status updates. I recommend team leads to join the calls then they can distribute the information as needed. This also encourages team leads to know what is going on (which I think is helpful for the team leads that are not leaders; I hate having team leads that just delegate to another individual for status because to me the basic team lead should at least know the status).

If I see managers forward to another individual that I do not believe will be helpful to them, I do remind the individual of the meeting agenda and their presence may not be needed.

Of course I am biased to my own meeting style, but I find the frequent attendees of my meetings are much more relaxed and focused which I believe is through the small communications that is mentioned in Tim Denning's post.

Take the title with a nuanced take on the topic. The content has some good things to say and is a recommended read.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

LIFE: I am sad that I find coupons and discounts still feel too expensive to buy

Just received some coupons for fast food restaurant. I remember in my youth when these were great deals, but now even the discounted price seems too high too buy. 

$X.00 off? No longer even 50% off the item good.

BUY 1 GET 1 for $X.00? No longer BOGO?

Plus how expensive fast food is lately, I can only count my blessing that I am past the age of convenience. Inflation is also crazy... X%? It's more like 200%. My groceries typically cost around $100 just a year ago but now $300 for the same items.