Saturday, September 14, 2024

Life: Why the 'd' in fridge but not refrigerator? Why I never thought of this before?

While trying to create an application to track why appliances, I wanted to build a list of common alternative spellings including misspellings of words to make it easier to find things. This brought me to search for alternative spellings for refrigerator.

The first article that came up was why is there a 'd' in fridge but not refrigerator. I already knew how to spell both but it has never occurred to me to ask why it is different. Of course once I thought about it, it made sense why it was that way.

I have always thought that I was pretty good at picking out these kinds of particularities. This experience has really grounded me more on my thought biases and how my mind over simplifies things.

For those who wanted to know the answer, this site does a pretty good job explaining:

Other pages seem a miss a point here and there.

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