Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Buggish: MS Teams (Login again)

Still randomly having the same issue from last post,

Today I also found that I can open the app. It'll (as always) take forever to "login", error that login doesn't work, then the error will disappear, my chats will refresh (fully? I have no clue). I sent a single message to respond to a chat. As I check other chats, I notice that I have the login error again. When did it happy? I do not know. Why does it happen? Also don't know. But my message was sent... so.......

Why is this so complicating? At least two years (maybe even four but my memory isn't serving me right now). Or is this a white-paper on barely functional is better than holding new features?


I also just noticed that my status is now offline but I have been message people since I created this post. This is also seen on the other end as a couple people have asked how I am offline but responding.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Work Life: Senior Developers Hate Doing Code Review, Newbies Unable to Properly Code Review

What I Think is My Relevant Background

Part of my job is the ensure the quality of the code deployments to the production environment. This is my first job where I kind of review at such a low level. I've been with three different companies as "release manager" (whatever that means) over 10 years.

Before that I was a software developer for over 10 years.

Although we are the technology arm of my current company, our company is not a technology company. Our system still runs classic ASP and "upgrading" to .NET 4 for many years. This "new" tech has not been supported by Microsoft for quite some time. Why don't we just upgrade to .NET Core? The answer to that remains unknown. I bring this up only to say that the internet is full of anecdotal examples of decent to best-in-class developers. A lot of the confusions to modern methodologies is that there is a large diversity of experiences in software development and why there are so many opinions on things that seem to logically work but don't.

Our Process

I probably should start on what code review is for us but I am going to over-simplify by just saying that someone kind of looked at it and there is some sort of checklist they should go through. Our process requires someone to at least sign off on the code review. There is no consequence if bugs are found or rolled back.

So for us, I found that they always give the code review to the newest member. And they always approve the code review. I don't think I have seen one finding from any newly hired developers. If there is a database code change, then it also goes through db review and possibly db performance review.

The code is also deployed to pre-deployment environment for "system end-to-end" testing but it is actually all testing because everyone is too lazy to figure out how to create test data for there changes. This deployment has now been delegated to other lead developers because I take too long to deploy changes. Or rather, I cause delays in the development process... because I care about quality?

Who Reviews our Code?

It always seem to be the newest person. Even after our massive layoff, that just went back to the prior newest person. Not only that, developers hate having their code reviewed. Because for a period of time, they always put in comment that "change was minimal, review now required." Yet rollbacks increased, and they never changed until I told leadership that seems to be the trend. Then magically, rollbacks decreased again after code review.

Does our code review work? I still have my doubts. I think it just forced the senior developers to actually slow down or face negative optics.

The amount of low quality development and review is mind-boggling to me. I look through code like a resume, for about 5-7 seconds. The amount of findings like incorrect dates, incorrect reference number, incorrect date format, misspelling of object names... is just astounding to me.

After seeing how little management or leadership cares about the consequences, I no long push back on many of these "minor" changes. I almost only push back when they update a generic library that I have not seen modified for 4 years suddenly needed for a specific function for a specific customer. This still blows my mind as no one (about 4 pairs of eyes) even questioned that before it reaches to me.

There was also a change to update a library to add a connection string to the primary database that the entire application has been using for the last 10+ years. How did no one question this? First, why is the connection string with user name and password hard-coded into a library. Second, no one bothered to think how did everyone else access the primary database over a decade. Do I even need a third? A second was probably not even needed.

Who Should Code Review? Jr or Sr?

In my opinion, everyone but should be a trusted resource that signs off on the code review. An untrusted code reviewer should review first then a trusted resource.

Technically from a release manager's POV, I only care that someone signs off. But as a dev lead, I would prefer multiple reviewers until all developers are trusted resources. Once everyone is trusted, then one reviewer is sufficient.

How do you know if someone is trusted? This all depends on the quality of the deployments. If too many, then the person is untrusted. What is too many? That depends on the company. If the company has a high tolerance for unexpected downtimes, then it is not as critical. If the company deals can impacts a person's life, then it is important a person has a record of good performance and possibly more safe guards to manage regular human errors.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Buggish: MS Web Excel find does not always work

Sometimes on Microsoft Excel (Web), the find feature does not nothing. You type in the search text and click Find All then nothing happens. Put in a different search text and still nothing happens.

Refresh the page and suddenly everything works as expected.

Possibility of issue may be that I keep the page open for a maybe an hour or two. Machine was rebooted in the morning a few hours prior. This is not the first time facing this issue.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

IIS using unexpected (incorrect) Integrated Windows Login

This has just recently become a major problem for me because I created an app that uses the Windows login to access my intranet web tool. For some reason, it was accessing an admin account that I also use instead of my logged in user.

I found this really strange because I never put in the password. I tried to clear my cookies and rebooted my machine, yet somehow it retains my admin account.

I spent an hour figuring this out eventually giving up and worked on something else. Then somehow which seems almost randomly, I thought about checking the credential manager.


I use the credential manager to manage my user and password for different network solutions. At my place, they use a different login to access these resources for security purposes. I find it such a pain because a few applications are not designed for this scenario. I put in the network folder, user, and password so I thought this couldn't be the solution but I had nothing else to try.

I did notice on closer inspection that it changes the network path \\servername to just servername. I just removed the one related to my tool and suddenly my tool was working as expected again.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Buggish: Microsoft Web Outlook Cannot Send Message Error

 To no one's surprise, Microsoft has probably one of the worst user experiences.

Trying to send an email. Takes forever and returns an error that says something like "There was an error, please click here for more details." And the more detail returns:  "This message can't be sent right now. Please try again later."

Great, Microsoft, great.

I eventually figured it out. The issue was that I was tagging a private group. It was a group set up in my outlook with a bunch of people that I send to normally. This is separate from Active Directory because I don't have access and I hate dealing with admin support.

Buggish: MS Teams (Login issue)

I just used MS Teams yesterday with no issues for work. I come back today and now I get an error "We weren't able to connect. Sign in and we'll try again." on MS Edge. On most days, refreshing if web or reloading if Windows app will resolve this issue... but today it is not letting me in. Usually one or two attempts will bypass this.

It is not the same error with the Windows app version where I get that my corporate device is not compliant with corporate compliance. Go figure... it was working yesterday and nothing has been installed. And like the web, usually reloading will resolve this in 1-3 attempts... but today a no go.

And now I get a "We've run into an issue. Oops, something went wrong! Restart" error. Seems to be flipping between this error and the one above today.

On top of all that, MS Teams works almost perfectly on Google Chrome. It is again quite amusing to see that I also get the "... weren't able to connect..." error on Chrome but I can just continue to message and receive messages.

After 30 minutes of just refreshing the page, Teams on Edge started working. Also I did in that time was messaging people on Google Chrome, repeatedly refreshing Edge and repeatedly restarting the Windows app.