Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Buggish: MS Teams (Login again)

Still randomly having the same issue from last post,

Today I also found that I can open the app. It'll (as always) take forever to "login", error that login doesn't work, then the error will disappear, my chats will refresh (fully? I have no clue). I sent a single message to respond to a chat. As I check other chats, I notice that I have the login error again. When did it happy? I do not know. Why does it happen? Also don't know. But my message was sent... so.......

Why is this so complicating? At least two years (maybe even four but my memory isn't serving me right now). Or is this a white-paper on barely functional is better than holding new features?


I also just noticed that my status is now offline but I have been message people since I created this post. This is also seen on the other end as a couple people have asked how I am offline but responding.

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